Off Two Melmerby 10k

Sunday 16th May saw two Harriers, Nicky Young and Steve Wilkinson, head down the A1 to have a go at the usually popular Melmerby 10km run near Ripon, an undulating race around the village and countryside lanes. 

The race this year was a virtual event held over the whole of May, so no results available at going to press. 

With the recent downpours of rain parts of the course were flooded and several big ‘puddles’ had to be negotiated in the first 2 miles, but both enjoyed wearing team colours again after over a year, on a humid day. 

Steve was more than happy to finish in a time of 42.48 and Nicky hoping for sub 50 after a bad injury in 2020, finished in 49.40 despite talking a wrong turn and running slightly longer than 10km.  Both runners are hoping to take part in the London marathon later in the year so a good start to the weeks of training

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