Lee and Jen Race to the Stones! (virtually)

Last week we had two athletes complete the Virtual Race to the Stones.

Under normal circumstances, Race to the Stones is a 100km ultra marathon along one of the oldest trails in Britain – The Ridgeway, which crosses North Wessex Downs and the Chilterns.

However, due to the current situation the event was understandably cancelled this year. With the real thing out of the question, Jen Harrison decided to take on the challenge virtually and, following a conversation with Lee Hammond, he signed up too.

The virtual version of the event gave runners a maximum of seven days to complete the 100km challenge, with all runs being logged via Strava and Running Heroes.

Lee and Jen after completing the challenge

Lee completed the challenge over seven days in a total time of 10hrs 16min.

Jen made it a little more difficult by completing the challenge over five days in a total time of 11hrs 35min (with an extra 1.4km for good measure).

To help the athletes along the way, the organisers set a number of daily challenges, one of which Jen won……

On day two of the event the challenge was “best support crew” where athletes were encouraged to post pictures of their support crew to the event social media…. Jen and her labrador Bear won one of the prizes for this challenge.

Jen with her prize winning support crew Bear

Here’s what the guys had to say:

Lee – “it’s been a mixture of great enjoyable runs and tough grinds. It shows you can do anything when you put your mind to it”

Jen – “I’ve loved this challenge and am pleased Lee is still talking to me!! Can’t wait to do the real thing next year”

Huge well done do both Lee and Jen, we’ll see you next year for the real thing.

Lee with his support crew, daughter Libby (our very own U15 endurance specialist)
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