Harriers Back In Cross Country Cup Action

You may remember a few weeks ago, several of our Junior Harriers represented their schools in the prelimimary round of the ESAA Cross Country Cup. We’re pleased to say that some of them progressed to the Regional Finals which took place on Saturday at Stewart Park, Middlesbrough. The top 3 teams from each Regional Final will go through to the Grand Final so there was plenty at stake today. Here’s how things went for our young athletes…..

Junior Boys

Darlington was represented by Hummersknott Academy, and 3 of our Junior Harriers were part of their Junior Boys team. Hugo Douglas-Reeves was the first of them home after an excellent run, finishing in 10th place in a time of 10:36. Our other two team members were both in the year below Hugo. Fabulous performances from Rowan Steel, finishing 26th in 11:15 and Finn Pentland-Rice who took 36th place in 11:31. The team finished 7th overall. Well done lads, a great effort from all!

Hugo (55), Rowan (59) and Finn (58) line up with rest of their Hummersknott team mates
Hugo Douglas-Reeves

Junior Girls

Both Hummersknott Academy and Carmel College had teams in the Junior Girls race and we had one girl in each of the two teams. Lottie Graves is really enjoying her Cross Country at the moment and it showed today as she was the first Carmel girl home, taking 10th place in a time of 10:51. Likewise, Chloe Graham, who’s a year younger, was the first Hummersknott girl to cross the line. She finished 36th in a time of 10:40. As far as team positions went, Carmel were 9th with Hummersknott following in 12th place. Top running from our duo, well done girls!

Lottie Graves

Inter Boys

And finally, Alex Boyer was our only Inter Boy competing today, running for the Carmel College team. As usual, it was an impressive performance from Alex, finishing in an excellent 3rd place in a time of 15:05. Unfortunately, the rest of the team were quite high placings so they finished 7th overall. Excellent result from Alex though, well done!

Sadly, none of our teams made it through to the Grand Final this year, but a great experience for our young athletes who all, individually, performed very well. Well done everyone, there’s always next year, and of course, there’s plenty more club cross country to keep you going in the meantime!

Big thanks to Fiona and Sarah for the use of their photos 🙂

You can check out the full results at http://www.schoolsathletics.net/esaa/v2/2021/xccup/xccup21results.php

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