Weekly Round up w/e 25th September

The Weekly round-up of club activities covering all disciplines and age groups. This report will not provide you with a detailed account of each event but should give you enough information about what’s occurred the previous week, who’s participated and links to photographs and results. We encourage all members, parents and anyone associated with the club to provide us with any content that may enhance the information that is shared each week.

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Race Results

Club Championship Points can be found here

At the latest NEHL event at Wrenkenton just outside of Newcastle we had a number of our athletes in action. The Harrier league has a strange (in my opinion) system which allows runners to be either in the slow of fast group (the slow group get around 90 seconds head start). Now I understand why you would do this as it will allow most of the field to finish closer together but what I don’t is why it’s ‘first over the line wins’ and we’ve seen examples of our faster runners clocking the best time in the race but finishing outside the top 9 places. It would make more sense (again this is just my opinion) to have two sets of results, list of finishes in order but then awarded for best times. Our U15 girls were penalised by the current rule by finishing 3rd overall despite clicking the 1st, 4th and 10th fastest times.

Some excellent performances from all of our age groups on the day which can be seen below with photographs from Stuart Whitman. The future is definitely bright with the current crop of athletes at the club. Well done.

Photo of Daniel Callaghan provided by Stuart Whitman photography, more photos available via his website here
Aidan on his way to 9th
Grace and Matilda finishing 1st and 3rd across the line
8th for Chloe
Willoughby has his man in his sights
Savannah 6th across the line
Freya making up some ground on the slower group

All results from the day can be found here

Macy battling it out with one of the slow group runners

Sunday saw 4 of our athletes competing at the Bristol 10k which includes England vs Wales which John, Catherine and Shirley were all taking part in. Fantastic achievement to wear the England vest one i’m sure you are all very proud of….nearly as proud as Phil wearing his Harriers vest!

Brilliant results all round, John Clifford 34th place also giving him 3rd place in his age category, Shirley 4th and Catherine 11th. Full results can be found here Well done all of you!

John Clifford five from left on his way to a 3rd place finish in his age category
ELITE! Catherine with her England vest and some random bloke she’s picked up…..

We had a couple of our runners at the Keswick Half Marathon on Sunday, described as one of the most scenic half marathons in the country. The challenging course takes runners around Derwentwater with an extra loop into the Newlands valley. This is another race where results have yet to be published but will be available here Provisionally Paul finished in around 1hr 40:58 with Graham 1:42:31. Well done gents!

Paul and Graham pictured here with Tracy Kirk
1st mile for Keedy
Drafting Graham?
Loving those hills
Garvey digging in to stay with his team mate

Sean Craggs was in action Hexham 10k at the weekend on a course starts on the outskirts of Hexham and returns after turning as runners approach Corbridge using the largely flat Corchester Lane. Results have yet to be released but provisionally Sean broke the 50min barrier running around 48:22. Well done Sean.

results will be available here

Sean flashing the bling

Results can be found here

We also had some of our athletes at the Wild Deer, Raby Castle 5 and 10 mile trail races, a course which I think is fair to say is a little up and down. In the 5mile event it was Amanda Trees first back finishing in 27th place in a time of 47:19, great to see Amanda competing again. The trio of Donna Hall, Sarah Neve and Deborah Baldwin-Sykes finished pretty much together on the 70 minute mark. In the 10mile race it was another Amanda, Waller who was first back finishing in 37th place in a time of 1:29:36 with Iain Girard 64th in 1:41:26 and Anne Hutchinson 68th in 1:42:56.

Results from these events can be found here

Iain and Anne leading the charge up the hill

In Manchester this weekend we saw a small number of our juniors at the Northern Road Relays event with the Under 13 Boys running 3 x 3100 metres and the U17 3 x 3700 metres. Our U13 team of Rowan, Finn and Matthew finished a very respectable 4th place in the U13’s while Alex, Dylan and Daniel finished 6th.

full U13 results can be found here
Super trio of Rowan, Finn and Matthew
full U17 results can be found here
Alex gives the team a great start

A couple of shout outs this week, firstly to Brian Burdon who was completing at the unofficial Ormesby Hall 10km run which he did in 65:56 and to Laurie Cummings who now completed over 100 different park run which includes every over 80’s category record in County Durham. Impressive running!!

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