Weekly Round Up w/e 19th February

The Weekly round-up of club activities covering all disciplines and age groups. This report will not provide you with a detailed account of each event but should give you enough information about what’s occurred the previous week, who’s participated and links to photographs and results. We encourage all members, parents and anyone associated with the club to provide us with any content that may enhance the information that is shared each week.

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Club Championship Points can be found here

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Race Result

This weekend saw some of our athletes competing at the North East Indoor Championships at Gateshead. Some superb performances from all of our athletes with some North East Indoor Champions and medalist’s amongst the results. Andy Harrison was 1st in the M40 Long Jump and 1st in the Triple Jump, Thomas Hill was 1st U17 in the Pole Vault while Tomos Cowell finished 1st U15 in the Shot Putt. Hugo Douglas-Reeves placed 3rd behind Tomos, but followed this up with a 2nd place in the Long Jump, 1st in the 60m hurdles and 6th in the 60m. Busy day for Hugo!

Charlotte Rutter was 1st Senior in the Long Jump and 2nd in the Senior Women’s 60m race, Lily Thompson was another on the podium as she finished 2nd in the U20’s Shot Putt with Sarah Johnson 1st F40. Sarah also finished 1st F40 in her 60m hurdles event on the day. Joshua Davison finished 2nd U17 in the High Jump, 5th in the Shot Putt and 3rd in the Long Jump while Charlie Holdcroft finished 5th in the same event and placed 4th in the 60m hurdles.

Beth Johnson who was another competing in multiple events finished 2nd in the U13 girls Long Jump, 4th in the 60m Hurdles and 3rd in the Shot Putt. Lottie Graves was 2nd in the U15 girls shot putt (behind a guest competitor) while Tori Buckley finished 2nd in the equivalent event for the U17 girls before finishing 3rd in the 60m hurdles heat. Isabelle Holdcroft finished 7th in her U15 Long Jump event and 3rd in her heat of the 60m hurdles, Elizabeth Clay 2nd in her heat.

Some positions may vary on the table below as some athletes competing in events with mixed ages.

Full results can be found here
Tomos crowned U15 Indoor Shot Putt Champion with Hugo on the podium
Lottie also crowned U15 Indoor Champion
Lily post competition
Tori battling it out
U13 Indoor champion Beth Johnson

Saturday also saw the annual signal relays at Hetton-le-Hole, a 2.22m per runner event around the undulating park with teams of 4 and 6 (women/men) competing for podium places. As always the standard of athlete at this event was extremely high but was great to see all our athletes giving it their all. India Pentland started the teams off with a solo leg and was high up the field following her 13.02 leg in slightly windy conditions on the day. The Mens A team finished a very respectable 13th, team being made up of Dan Richardson, James Largey, James Carberry, Dylan Wilson, Chris Fothergill, and Paul Allan. The B team finished 37th from the 61 teams with Andrew Buckley, Ben Potter, Paul Cook, Wes Tarn, Iain Girard and Kevin Wilson. Hopefully next year we will see a bigger turnout from the club for such a good event.

Results for the ladies and vets race can be found here

Mens race results can be found here

India lines up with the ladies and vets
Dylan Wilson battling it out
Urgh that first climb!
Some of the men’s teams on the day

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Diagram showing the clubs operating model, including partnerships, affiliations and competitions we are associated to
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