It was great to see such a fantastic turn out on Wednesday evening, all in the name of charity. Over 300 runners, young and old, descended upon Darlington’s South Park in support of the Children With Cancer charity. Organised by Paul Cook and Darlington Harriers, the 5k fun run followed the 3 lap route of Darlington’s parkrun, and we’re pleased to say that many of our Junior Harriers took part.

Although the emphasis on the night was having fun and raising money for a very worthy cause, the first person across the finish line was one of our juniors! Under 15 endurance maestro, Daniel Boyer, just couldn’t resist and put in an excellent performance, finishing in a time of 17:12. A great effort, Dan, well done!
But the real winner on the night was the charity, as over £3000 was raised from the run alone, which is an astounding amount! So a huge thank you to all who took part plus the organisers and volunteers on the night. You should all be very proud of yourselves!

A big thank you to Karen Harland, more of her excellent photos from the night can be found here