Sunday saw a number of Harriers make the start line for the Manchester Marathon. After a number of weeks gruelling runs, making it to the start line of the event itself is sometimes an achievement after training claims victims throughout the usual 16 weeks training.
Don’t ever play how difficult it is to run a marathon, no matter what time. It’s an event that can trip even the most experienced runners up even if they are 100% physically and mentally ready.
Peter Armstrong was first home in 3:27:37 with Ian Brown finishing with an 11 second PB of 3:43:28 with Andrew Glencross 3:50:22 six minutes ahead of Emma Morley in 3:56:47.
Diane Jones finished ahead of Peter Foulds on chip in 4:02:24, Peter finishing just behind in 4:03 dead, Shirley Gibson in 4:18:22 and first in her age category and Hilary Bevan in 5:20:39 and a three minute PB in the process.
Heroes all of you!!