You may remember in an earlier Junior Report, we mentioned that Under 15 Harrier, Sarah Wilcock has another passion as well as her athletics….show jumping!
Sarah, along with two of her school friends, formed the Carmel College Showjumping Team and recently took part in the National Schools Equestrian Championships. The team had qualified as Durham County Champions in the 90cm class, and so travelled to Bury Farm in Buckinghamshire for the Finals.

The girls rode their ponies over two rounds of show jumps, the second round having a timed section with jumps up to 95cm. Despite some excellent rides from all three girls, the team just missed out on being placed. However, Sarah and her pony, Patch, had also qualified as individuals in the 90cm and 1.0m classes, and had four rounds to jump. They were placed 3rd in the 90cm and 5th in 1.0m.
Well done Sarah! It’s fantastic to see you having even more success outside your athletics!!