Sunday saw the return on Thirsk 10 Mile race, except this year with a slight change of course.
This course is a good one to run, predominantly flat with only a few inclines to tackle, although with the course being around country lanes, it’s exposed to the elements which can make it quite tough, as the wind proved on the day.
Despite this we saw some excellent runs from all Harriers on the day.
Paul Cook being first Harrier across the line in 61:58 for 71st place, ideal preparation for a marathon…..(if only!) – followed by Jeff Miller in 64:56, who was another runner to receive disappointing news after hearing of the postponement of London Marathon in April. Karl Hume was next home in 65:19 ahead of Amy Pickworth who had a strong run in 68:39 (3rd in her age category) and Darren Thompson in 72:17.

Pauline Brown somehow managed a personal best on the day with a superb 72:17 (2nd in age category)
Another marathoner Kelly Sloan was next home in 76:38 ahead of Ian Brown in 67:55 and Michaela McGregor, who I believe was running her first 10 mile race. Dave Smith, who has been struggling with illness, finished in 81:45 with Amanda Trees finishing in 86:23, a positive run after news of the Edinburgh marathon cancellation.

Following Amanda home was Allan Harder in 89:18, with Dave Hamer our final Harrier on the day finishing in 96:38. Well done everyone, it was tough out there today!

Full results can be found HERE
You can also find photos HERE (credit: Karen Harland)